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Koko Minda Plus

Product: Producing Premix Cocoa beverages for brain supplement in order to provide energy, enhance intelligence and initiate creative mind.


Product description: The based drink of our product is made from premix cocoa which in the form of powder and mix with selected herbs, consume for daily intake and the product is packed in sachet and each sachet consist of 25gram and suitable for 1 mug.



Speciality: Act as supplement which helps to enhance intelligence, easy to memories, not easily get sleepy, provides energy and healthy body. The benefits of having added value of selected herbs that contain nutrition in each of the ingredients that we used such as:


Dates: Enhance memory, provide energy to the body.


Raisin: Contain high antioxidant


Figs: Control muscle crumps, body weight and blood cell.


Ginkgo Biloba: Facilitate the blood circulation to all over the body.


Cocoa: Helps to control the cholesterol level in the body.



Koko Minda Plus: It helps to provide energy, be healthy and fitness throughout the day. It is a tasty and delicious drink suitable for family intake and good for kids as well. It can be consuming starting 1 year old till elderly. It rich with great nutrient from Sunnah’s food like dates, raisin and figs. Contain vitamin and important mineral especially potassium and phosphorus  which is good for brain development.




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